Saturday 22 September 2012

일어나 (Stand Up)

sy ni kipas susah mati, byk la post psl korea2 ni...mayb some of people kate eh pe brg minat ak katekn bg ak korea ni bgos...tgkla care dorang berlakon...nmpk feel die kt situ...kalo nanges, mmg nanges...kalo geram tu mmg geram tahap dewa nk baling pisau je...cube korang tgk cm cte yg panas cm "secret garden", "my girl"...

skrg ni tgh layan "to the beautiful you" which is "아름다운 그대에게" ...sape yg tgk? but i admit that yg drg ni br lg, cam kurang skit...lgpn mungkin sbb da tgk 3 version cte, cm da tau jalan crite die...kalo yg ver chinese "hana kimi"... kalo yg jepun "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e", cm so-so jela...

cite asalnye wu chun yg berlakon version chinese nye...

then, ade plak version japanese...version ni pn menarik...sedap je tgk banding version chinese ni...mungkin sbb pelakon die horikita maki & oguri shun..

then, br la SME kluakn version korea...Min Ho Shinee & Sulli f(x) as the main cast... :)

 tp yg nk kongsinye lagu ost cte ni...bgos tau lagu smgt utk org2 yg nk give up for ur dream...don't ever do that...even dulu sy pn pnh nk give up jd dentist sbb mcm xde alhamdulillah, bykkn bersaba...mst nnt dream comes true...believe in yourself...

if anyone knows how to read hangul, this is the lyric...

삶이 힘들어도 끝까지 포기 말아 하늘이 네 곁을 지켜줄 거야
너의 발걸음이 힘겨워 소리 내어 주저앉아 한숨 지어 보지만
한번 더! One more try

당당하게 하늘을 봐 
이제 시작일 뿐이야 어깰 펴
네 안에 같은 네가 있어 힘들어도 포기 말아 너의 미래
일어나 손을 잡아 세상을 가져

시간이 흐르면 꽃잎이 떨어지듯이 
구름은 비를 약속해
몸부림 쳐봐도 하늘의 마음대로 달라질 수 있어 don’t worry never mind
그날을 기다려

당당하게 하늘을 봐 
이제 시작일 뿐이야 어깰 펴
네 안에 같은 네가 있어 힘들어도 포기 말아 다시 한번
일어나 손을 잡아 다시 일어나

일어나 고갤 들어 whoa whoa whoa
제발 흔들리지 말아 
이제 시작일 뿐이야 어깰 펴
네 안에 같은 네가 있어 힘들어도 포기 말아 다시 한번
일어나 손을 잡아 다시 일어나 yeah yeah

지켜봐 느껴봐 서로 다르다 해도 my friend
혼자가 아니야 다시 일어나

cube korang bace translation lirik die...mungkin sy ni jenis terpikat dgn lirik lagu & lagu utk dptkn ilham or kalo sdey2 dgn ape2...byk membantu... :)

Even if life is hard, don’t quit until the end
The sky will protect your side
Your footsteps are heavy, make some noise
You sink down and let out a sigh
But one more time, one more try

Look to the sky confidently
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Inside of you is someone like you
Don’t give up on your future even if it’s hard
Stand up, hold my hand, take the world

Like how petals fall when time passes
Clouds promise rain
Even if you’re struggling
It can change by whatever the sky wants
Don’t worry, never mind
Wait for that day

Look to the sky confidently
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Inside of you is someone like you
Don’t give up even if it’s hard, one more time
Stand up, hold my hand, stand up again (Stand up)

Stand up (Stand up)
Raise your head

Please don’t waver
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Don’t give up even if it’s hard, one more time
Stand up, hold my hand, stand up again

Observe and feel
Even if we’re different, my friend
You’re not alone, stand up again

so, kesimpulannye jgnla cepat putus ase..kalo rase nk putus ase tu ingt mak & ayh nk balas jase drg, so kite kne la usahe lebih...kalo dah usahe tp still xdpt mungkin ade la yg kite kurang...xpe asalkn kite da try dgn sebaik mungkin...mungkin bukan rezeki... jgn regret di kemudian hari :)

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